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Somone Else's Dream



WORLD PREMIERE in HotDocs Film Festival on May 3, 2024


Documentary "Kelly. Someone else's dream" tells the sincere story of a young athlete, Kelly Sildaru, who at the tender age of 13 wins the X Games gold in slopestyle, the most dangerous sport of ​​freestyle skiing. Coming from a country with no freestyle tradition and no mountains, carving out a career in the relatively young discipline, pushing boundaries and braking records.

This is a painfully honest portrait of a girl who came through years of mental terror with sheer

positivity and hard work.​

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January 14, 2022


Documentary of Raul Vaiksoo.


Dirctor: Mattias Veermets 

Producer: Karolina Veetamm , Editor: Mirjam Jegorov

Sound: Kauri Lemberg

Composer: Markus Robam

Color: Sten Lill







Director: Eleanor Church

Producer: Verity Wislocki

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov




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February 25, 2019


NFTS Gradshow sponsored by Netflix


Now Or Never tells the story of the Batang Toru Forest, which lies in North Sumatra, Indonesia. It is a forest like no other, and remains largely unexplored. Batang Toru is also the one and only home for the most endangered great ape species in the world – the newly identified Tapanuli Orangutans.


The time to act and save Batang Toru is NOW, OR NEVER again will we be living in a world with a third orangutan species.


Director: Matt Senior

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov

Sound Designer: Kevin Langhamer

Composer: Adam Price

Marketeer: Alex Chronopoulos



November 16, 2016


The Lithuanian scientist Aušra Revutaite has spent 30 years in the Tien Shan mountain range in Central Asia, straddling the borders between Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and the autonomous Chinese region of Xinjiang. Some 3,500 meters above sea level with only her faithful dog and grey cat for company, she studies climate change on the Tuyuksu Glacier at an old Soviet-era research station. She loves the solitude and silence that her painstaking work brings her. Magnificent shots of her surroundings and everyday work are interspersed with archive footage of the people who preceded her by a century. Not much seems to have changed. We see dripping, melting ice in imposing caves, streams flowing through desolate mountain passes, and Revutaite’s pets, playing together almost in silence. Living with Revutaite in the solitude she has chosen for herself, the two animals only have each other. The solemn silence of the mountains is punctuated sparingly by the music of a man far, far below, playing a traditional instrument.


Director: Audrius Stonys 
Producer: Radvile Sumile, Studio UKU
Co-Producer: Vesilind OU
DOP: Audrius Kemezys 
Editor: Mirjam Jegorov 
Sound Designer: Seppo Vanhatalo 
Composer: Robert Jürjendal 




December 31, 2016


Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, the population of the Ash Mountains has dropped by more than half, with no signs of growth or relief in sight. A place once known as the El Dorado of the proletariat has become synonymous with death and decay. However, legends remain: dwarves atop semi-coke mountains, exiles digging for forgiveness in pits, Mercedes-Cowboys roaming the night, and a magical bird, who must burn up to rise again.


Director: Ivar Murd

Producer: Margus Õunapuu

DOP: Madis Luik

Sound Desinger: Markku Tiidumaa

Composer: Endamisi Salamisi

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov




September 02, 2014


Lucavsala is an island almost in the center of Riga, in the middle of the Daugava River. In the 1930s, farms and cows were on the island. After the war, the island was divided into garden plots for Soviet large-scale workers. The spontaneous lifestyle in the Lucavsala Island Horticultural Opera opens through humorous details and contrasts. The protagonist Rasma, the 76-year-old horticulturist's self-proclaimed chairman, monitors compliance with the rules of charity, brings out lazy wines and drinks, collects taxes, and picks up his nose for foreign things. Now, however, real estate developers are keen to make the island a tourist attraction, where there are no pensioners or hippies who are aggressively struggling with the future of "Lat Vegas".


Producer: Antra Gaile, Jaak Kilmi

Director: Jaak Kilmi

DOP: Jaak Kilmi, Aigars Sermukss, Davis Dorss, Ulvis Burjans, Aleksandr Kheyfets

Sound Designer: Aleksandrs Vaicahovskis

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov


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Man is wounded. He was once in love. He was married. He had a daughter. But Kalju's heart broke when her little daughter was taken. Hard work does not wash away the pain of the rock. Now he speaks directly and from the heart.




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Anatoli, a former anti-Soviet activist who is now a monk and an artist, lives in an ancient stone tower in the heart of Tallinn. Day by day, he prays for nature and creates self-made books in his workshop. Many years ago, Anatoli made a vow to find something good in every day. The outbreak of war in Eastern Ukraine makes him leave the peaceful Estonian capital and go to the front-line towns with a mission to work as a volunteer. Since 2014, he has combined the spiritual life with social activism, constantly traveling to the Donbas to deliver humanitarian aid. His vow is being tested by the reality of the 'grey zone'.


Directors Ulyana Osovska, Denys Strashnyy

Producer: Ülo Pikkov

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov



January 01, 2019


Documentary by Marija StonytÄ— takes us on the journey of a girl becoming a warrior in the military and in her own life. A few years ago military conscription for men was reintroduced in Lithuania.
Simultaneously, there were a number of young women who decided to voluntarily register for military service. We follow 3 of these girls for 9 months as they live and train among 600 men at an isolated military base. Three girls – three totally unique characters, come from very different social backgrounds. One joined the army with the aim of starting a new life, another - to find love, the third - to prove herself strong and able to defend her country from the possible threat of Russian aggression. Their romantic visions of being a soldier are soon altered as they begin their service and their expectations are challenged by harsh reality.


Director: Marija Stonyte

Producer: Giedre Zickyte

Co-Producer: Vesilind OÜ

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov


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February 25, 2019


NFTS Gradshow sponsored by Netflix


These are the final days of Miu, a colorful young man who moved to London from Hong Kong to become an Architect/Artist. Combining dramatic recreations and interviews with the few people who knew him, 'Miu' is about the anonymity of being a foreigner in a big city and how easy it is to lose your way.


Director: Yael Lotem​

DOP: Alana Mejia Gonzalez

Composer: Roshan Gunga

Sound Designer: Kevin Langhamer

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov




November 17, 2016


A poetic documentary about life in a war torn Chechen village, with the cemetery as its symbolic focal point. The village lives and breathes in unison.
The Chechen gravediggers are always busy. Death is an everyday visitor. It does not even matter that yet another war has ended. The people live stuck in a circle of vengeance. They also gather into circles to chant prayers to God. 
Only the cows are grazing calmly next to the cemetery and the children are happily going about their business. 
The Chechens’ parting words to one another are, “May you come back free!”


Director: Ksenia Okhapkina 

Producer: Riho Västrik, Vesilind OÜ

DOP: Vitaly Afanasiev, Maksim Drozdov 

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov 

Composer: Robert Jürjendal 



December 30, 2016


In an Estonian town Narva, elderly Russian ladies meet in a park. Each of them has her own path that has led them to this war-scarred town. Today the border separating Estonia from Russia is running just a few hundred meters from their homes. Only nostalgic, haunting or funny memories take them back to the Soviet realities of their youth. On the park bench the past and the contemporary, the sacred and the profane, two states and regimes mix into a fluid called life.


Director: Birgit Rosenberg

DOP: Liis Lepik​

Sound Designer: Janeli Adremann​

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov


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January 07, 2014


Fyodor is recreating the past of Narva out of cardboard. Mats is designing the future of it, and knocks down old red brick buildings. They both have a love for the town. Russia took over Narva from Sweden in the Great Northern War in 1704. Since then, the rule has been passed over six times. Not only on the border of Estonia and Russia, Narva is also on the cusp of the past and the future. This affectionate film brings the town to life in archive material, in models and architects’ sketches.


Producer:: Jaak Kilmi

Director: Jaak Kilmi

Script: Andres Keil, Jaak Kilmi

DOP: Ivar Taim, Jaak Kilmi, Siim Sillamaa

Composer: Janek Murd

Sound Designer: Tarvo Schmeimann

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov




March 7, 2023


“Walker on Water” is a film about being a woman, told through the life and work of Estonia’s most beloved and internationally most known contemporary poetess Kristiina Ehin.


Director: Anu Aun

Producer: Maie Rosmann

DOP: Heiko Sikka

Sound: Indrek Soe

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov







An ode to a faded jewel in the heart of the Estonian capital – Tallinn Hippodrome. Once a majestic racecourse track, all that is left is a lonely horse stable. Today it has become a social club for bizarre parties, engagement photo sessions and a home for young girls and old men taking care of the remaining racehorses.


Director: Vladimir Loginov

Producer: Allfilm

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov




October 13, 2017


They're called water carriers, domestics, 'gregarious', 'Sancho Panzas' of professional cycling. Always at the back of the group, with no right for a personal victory. These wonderful losers are the true warriors of professional cycling.


Director: Arunas Matelis

Producer: AlgimantÄ— MatelienÄ—

DOP: Mark Olexa, Ivars Zviedris, Simone Rivoire, Giordano Bianchi, Valdis Celmins, Andrius Kemežys, Giacomo Becherini, Paolo Beniti, Vincent O’Callaghan, ArÅ«nas Matelis

Composer: Alberto R. Lucendo

Sound Designer: Raf Enckels

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov


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November 01, 2017


After the Silence explores the spiritual impact of the forced disappearances that became endemic during Colombia’s civil conflict. It journeys into a world where government forensic investigators attempt to locate and exhume bodies from remote mountainside graves, where women remember and try to understand the loss of their relatives, and where nature itself has become the keeper of monstrous secrets.


As it immerses us in a world trying to overcome systemic violence, After the Silence invites us to reflect on mourning, history and death. If the mountains and rivers could speak, what secrets would they reveal?


Director: Natalie Cubides Brady

Sound Designer: Ines Andriana Alves

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov

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March 15, 2018


"Hearts of Sirgala" lead us to the extinct mines of Ida-Virumaa, which has left more than a thousand inhabitants in the past decade. Today in Sirgala apartment buildings less than 20 people are living all year round. One of the main characters in the film, the 85-year-old Anna lives and carries Sirgala's four-story apartment building, where only one resident lives today.


The ghostly steam spill between the houses is spiced by Sillamäe's social worker Galina, who creates a social center with Sirgala with the support of church members from Norway. The film combines Sirgala's past and present, harsh reality, and magnificent future hopes.


Director: Mirjam Matiisen

Producer: Kristjan Pütsep

DOP: Alis Mäesalu

Sound Designer / Composer: Ann Reimann

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov


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January 27, 2015


The charismatic religious leader Vissarion lives in an isolated Siberian village and calls himself Christ who has reborn. A religious sect consisting of thousands of followers has gathered around him, including Dmitri the bellringer and his wife Sveta who moved to the community with her three children from Saint Petersburg a few years ago. Magomed, the biological father of the children, writes a complaint letter to the administration of the President of Russia and insists that his children should be given back to him. Director Arbo Tammiksaar with his family moved to the Vissarions' village for a year. He followed the daily life of Sveta's children in the paradise garden found in the middle of Siberian taiga. How do they grow up in a community with unusual convictions in a place far away from civilization?


Producer: Margus Õunapuu, Kaarle Aho

Co-Producers: Tuuli Roosma, Uku Toomet

Director: Arbo Tammiksaar, Jaak Kilmi

DOP: Arbo Tammiksaar, Jaak Kilmi, Meelis Veeremets, Madis Luik

Composer: Andre Pichen

Sound Designer: Markku Tiidumaa, Kaur Kask

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov





November 30, 2012


Documentary "Why did you get married?" opens up the world of three young couples who are in the beginning of their marriage. Authors dilemma about her own relationship takes her to a journey to find answers.This is a story about falling in love, balance in a relationship, growing together and it's difficulties.


Director: Anniken Haldna

DOP: Janis Jurkovskis

Sound Designer: Ranno Tislar

Editor: Mirjam Jegorov, Kätlin Luht


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