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Vaata mulle silma. Mida sa näed? Õnnelikku inimest? Hea, siis ma olen hästi varjatud. Inimesed, kes tõeliselt igatsevad on hoopiski teistsugused, nad ei ütle seda välja, nad istuvad keskööni üleval, nad naeravad koos sõpradega ning kui on kaugel ära, käivad tihti mälestustemaal. Kuid selle asemel, et igatseda vanu aegu, tuleks võtta kõik praegusest, sest ka need muutuvad ajapikku vanadeks ja siis on meil mida mäletada. Ja nii ma ka teen, sest koolis on tohutult lahedad inimesed koos ja patt oleks seda raisata.

Vaadake ise, sõbrapäev möödus Jose Pablo Takosid süües, mitte Magic Mike vaadates. Arvan, et see oli etem lahendus. Rõõmsad inimesed, rõõmus tuju.

Vahepeal olen muutnud oma montaažituba kodusemaks, sest suurema osa ajast veedan ma just seal ning mida hubasem, seda mõnusam. Pildid enne ja pärast ka, kuid kahjuks erineva nurga alt. Ruum on ikkagi väike ja minu telefon ei tahtnud kõike peale jätta. Avastasin enda jaoks, et suur treeningpall on väga mugavaks tooliks, millega samal ajal ka sutsukene trenni saab teha.

Minu üheks meeli rahustavaks tegevuseks on ka tantsimine, nii et kui satute minu montaažiruumi, mil ma tantsin, siis see on tavaline. Väike paus, hea muusika ja liikumine tulevad alati kasuks.

Rääkides liikumisest, siis olen otsustanud, et märtsist hakkan korralikult treenima poolmaratoniks (21km). Rõhutades KORRALIKULT, sest eelnevalt olen ma küll jooksmas käinud enne võistlusi, aga see pole olnud õige treening. Olen registreerinud juba Eestis toimuvale “Ööjooks 2017” ja leidsin ka, et High Wycombe on poolmaratoni võimalus 16. juulil. Loodan, et suudan ennast kokkuvõtta ja treenida korralikult. Eks rattasõit aitab ka!

Kui oled üksi, tuleb kõigega hakkama saada, nii sain ka laua kokku panemisega vabalt hakkama. Aga muidugi tänud Zsoltile, kes tööriistu laenas. Veel õnneks seisab laud koos.

Täna koolist poppi tehes - “Aiaiaiaiiii, oled valele teele minemas!” (kõik ainult töö tõttu) – nägin ma meie aias rebast. Polnud parasjagu head kaamerat käepärast, aga ta tundus haavatud olevat ja otsustasin lähemalt uurima minna, aga hirmutasin vaese rebase hoopis ära. Õnneks haav oli väike ja ta sai ilusasti kõndida. Pärast isegi mõtlesin, et äkki hoopis nautis, seda mõnusat ilma, mis meil siin oli. Tegin sama! 12 kraadi ja päike, mõnus!

Barrie Vince’ga oleme me teinud vahepeal kahe nädalase workshopi, kus oli kaks ülesannet “Short Runaround” ja “The French Lieutenant’s Woman” ning palju elufilosoofiat ja montaažikogemust. Millele järgnes meie montaažiosakonna juhi Richard Cox’ga sissejuhatav ülesanne “Last Tango in Halifax”. Palju filme on linastunud “T2 Trainspotting”, “Jackie”, “Under The Shadow”, “Manchester by the sea” ning mõnus vaatamine/kuulamine oli ka “Sherlock Jr” ja kuulamine just sellepärast, et see oli elavamuusikaga (muusik Stephen Horne). Nii hea, kui kinopiletit ei pea ostma.

Värsket nädalat teile, sest algas ju ikkagi Boost Yourself challange, igapäev üks smuuti. Mis minu jaoks pole muidugi raske, sest see on mulle juba igapäevaseks harjumuseks, aga teistele soovin edu ja sära.





Look into my eyes. What do you see? Happy person? Good, then I'm well hidden. People who truly miss are totally different, they do not say it, they sit up till midnight, they are laughing with their friends and if they are far away, they often go to the land of memories. But instead of that, to miss all the old times, you should take all of the current, because they will become over the time the old memories and then we have what to remember. And so I do, because in our school there are so many cool people together and it would be a sin to waste it.

See for yourself, on Valentine’s Day we were in Jose Pablos place, eating Tacos, not looking “Magic Mike”. I think that it was better choice xD. Happy people, happy mood.

In the meantime, I have changed my editing room more homey, because most of the time I spend there. More cozier, the more pleasant it is. Pictures before and after as well, but unfortunately in a different angle. The room is still small, and my phone didn’t want to leave everything on. I discovered for myself that a large fitness ball is a very comfortable chair and at the same time little tiny workout, not bad.

One of my senses calming activities includes dancing, so if you come across in my editing room and I am dancing, it is normal. A little break, good music and movement have never harmed anyone.

Speaking of the movement, I have decided that from the beggining of the March I will start to train properly for a half marathon (21K). Highlightning PROPERLY, because previously I've been running right before the competitions, but this has not been a proper workout. I have already registered myself in Estonian run called "Night run 2017" and also found that in High Wycombe there is possibility of a half-marathon on 16 July. I hope to be able to pull myself together and train properly. Also the cycling helps!

If you're alone, you have to cope with everything, so challenge accepted and the table is done. I put it together on my own. But, of course, thanks to Zsolt’s, who borrowed me the tools. Thank god, it is still standing.

Today I skipped school - "Aiaiaiaiiii, you're going on the wrong road!" (All only because of the work) - I saw a fox in our garden. I didn’t have currently a good camera, but she seemed to be wounded, and I decided to go and look what’s wrong, but I scare the poor fox away. Fortunately, the wound was small and she could walk normally. After I even thought, that maybe she was enjoying the weather, the nice and pleasant weather we had here. I did the same! 12 degrees and sunny, nice!

With Barrie Vince, in the meantime, we have done the two-week workshop, where we had two exercises "Short Runaround" and "The French Lieutenant's Woman" and also the philosophy of life and a lot of experience in editing. Followed by our department head Richard Cox introduction exercise "Last Tango in Halifax." Lots of films have been screened, like "T2 Trainspotting," "Jackie," "Under The Shadow," "Manchester by the Sea," and enjoyable viewing / listening "Sherlock Jr" and listening because it was live music (musican Stephen Horne) . It is so good, if you don’t need to buy a movie ticket.

Fresh week to you, because after all Boost Yourself Challenge started - one smoothie per day. As for me, of course, it is not difficult, because it has been my daily routine, but others good luck and shine days.



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